Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Warts ew.

Yay! I got on my blog this morning and saw that 9 of my friends had updated their blogs! I love reading your blogs..I get all excited when i see a new posts.

Hallie has had some gross warts on her knee for about 6 months now. There were 4 almost 5 of them growing there. She was so embarrassed of them. She would also scrape them or scratch them or something and they would endlessly bleed. Blegh.

I took her to her pediatrician to get them frozen off..they didn't mention on the phone that they didn't have the liquid nitrogen to do it with. So they sent me to a dermatologist.

We went two weeks ago and they said she was too young to tolerate the pain of the liquid nitrogen so they put some stuff on her warts to make them blister. 2 hours later and for the next 2 days, I might add, she was crying in pain b/c of the HUMONGOUS blisters the medicine had caused. I was like..."OH NO YOU DIENT!!!"

I went back yesterday and insisted we use the Liquid Nitrogen. I had talked to a few other moms and they had said their kids were fine with it. The derm. kept saying, "I just think she is way too young to tolerate this pain, blah blah blah, but it's up to you." ..So I asked her, how long after the treatment will her warts hurt and she said 5-10 mins. I said, "Oh, well, we will go with the Liquid Nitrogen then." Don't mess with me woman.

I obviously did not want to see Hallie in pain, but I'd rather it be for 5-10 mins, then 2 DAYS!!

She got all huffy, walked out of the office and a few minutes later the nurse came in with the liquid nitrogen.

I should of warned them about Hallie. Hallie screams bloody murder if she stubs her toe..she screams bloody murder even if her favorite stuffed bear stubs his toe. Yeah..she's a drama queen.

Well, you guessed it, she screamed so loud it sounded like she was dying..but when the nurse was done, she was fine, smiling and skipping around the room. I walked out of the office, the Dermatologist gave me a look like..."I told you so." I just thought.."Oh well, I won't have to deal with her leaking, bloody blisters for 2 days..thanks."

P.S. DO NOT EVER, I MEAN, EVER look up pictures of warts on google pics. BARF BARF BARF!
P.S.S. Anniversary, Robby's wedding, etc..coming soon!


Laura said...

so funny that you write about this because just today i scheduled for hyrum to have his warts removed. (it must pass throught he smartt gene!) actually though most don't recommend the liquid nitrogen for their age b/c it is so painful and quite a traumatic experience. normally they have to go back for a few treatments. i had to have this done with liam. it was not worth it because it still never got rid of his warts.

lesson learned: don't go to a dermatalogist go to a podiatrists, at least for our situation. hyrum now has a huge wart on his toe and they are removing it by laser. more expensive and very painful so he will have to be sedated. last 10 minutes, completely removed the first time, and no trauma to remember. . .just lots of money. i don't care it's worth not seeing my child being tortured!

Rebekah Sacran said...

I'll pass on the wart pictures. Glad to see a post. Look forward to more!!

One Happy Family said...

Barf, barf, barf! HILARIOUS! I will take your recommendation. Duly noted.

claireb said...

Haha... Bonny, you had me rolling the entire post. "Oh no you di'ent!"

The Keeleys said...

poor girl... at least it's not all over her fingers...(I had it when I was 8) I know how much pain she's in. not fun. hopefully it'll be gone soon!