Thursday, September 9, 2010

A New Job!

Hi! So Chad was offered a position at Columbus State University in Georgia! Crazy huh? He starts October 4. I am having so many mixed emotions about this. I am of course thrilled with this, but at the same time, I'm soo sad! We have to sale our house first of all. And then there's the baby. How am I going to get through these last 3 of months without Chad here? I know I can do it but woah it is going to be hard. And then, when we do move there, I will be there with no one I know, and I will have a brand new baby. I think I might be a little depressed once I move there. Also, my family is here.

Other then that...full benefits, they will pay for 2 classes per semester for Chad to get his Masters Degree!! :) Chad will be doing something he Loves! We will have stability again!!! I am so excited!

Sorry about the venting a little up there, I don't want to sound ungrateful at all, i just wanted to share some of the feelings I've had today. Anyways, thanks for all the prayers! They have paid off!


Heather Gray said...

That is AWESOME! I'm so happy for you guys, but sad that you have to leave us. Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help you over the next few months.

Lindsey said...

Words can't express how excited I am for yall. I know it will be hard to leave your family. But at least you are not too far away. WE are playing the waiting game right now. Joe finished his internship last week and we are waiting to hear back.
I worry sometimes about moving to a new place. In a way it probably would be good for me. I think you will have no problems meeting people. You are one of the nicest and sweetest people. Who can't love ya:)
How are ya feeling?

Nashville Stolle said...

WOOOHOOOOO... so to about a free keratin treatment (brazillian blowout?)


Dana Scarbrough said...

Congrats! I know ya'll have prayed for this for SOO long!!! I'm glad the day is finally here- its a little scary moving where you know no one, I'm sure especially with three and one being new- but you are outgoing and friendly and have so many talents/interests that I'm SURE others will flock to be your friend! Here's hoping you get a great ward- and don't forget to ask for help if you need it!!!

Trisha said...

I was in your exact situation. Jimmy getting a new job 2000 miles away. Me having to sell our house by myself. Just having a new baby. Soooo, if you need anyone to talk to, or any help, please let me know. We will miss you all, but at least GA isn't too far and you can come visit! :)

One Happy Family said...

Look at it as a new adventure. It'll be great!

Janel said...

Oh exciting!!! I am so excited for your new adventure ahead. It will be a transition, but I know you and I know you will make good friends. What a great opportunity for your family. I bet the hardest part is leaving your family. How far away will you be?

By the way Brittany made that chicken stuff while I was there.That stuff really is AMAZING!


The Keeleys said...

Congratulations! That's great that Chad found a job. It is so hard to keep/find a job in this economy. It's hard moving away from family... and having a baby at the same time but the Lord is on your side. You can do it!! I hope and wish you the best!

Brittany said...

Like I said, I'm still jealous of you, you're still going to be so close to the fam. Oh and that chicken stuff is dang good, everyone make it!!! I made it w/ bow tie pasta, very yummy. Oh and I love reading your posts, you're so funny Bonny.