Friday, September 24, 2010

Busy, Busy!

Wow, I stink, of sweat..and cleaning supplies..eww...

Guess what I have accomplished today??

I have:
-Organized my pantry
-De-cluttered and added cute little bowls, plates etc above my cabinets in the kitchen
-Removed all the magnets, pictures, etc off my fridge
-Ironed the little valence in my kitchen
-organized ALL of the cabinets in my kitchen
-taken almost everything off my counters
-cleaned out my junk drawer (that was a task)
-Cleaned windows
-Organized the closet in my hallway
-DEEP cleaned my hall bathroom and organized the closet
-Organized Owen's closet
-Vacuumed my closet
-DEEP cleaned my bathroom and organized the closet
-Sorted through Hallie's winter clothes to see what fit and didn't, put them in a box and into storage
-I've also straightened the living room, kitchen, my room and Owens,unloaded the dishwasher oh and I did a load of laundry...

And I still have PLENTY more to go.


We have someone coming to look at our house tomorrow!!


Littlefoot said...

Good luck!! Am thinking of you!! Love and hugs from Australia...

Janel said...

Go Bonny go!!! Just reading that list makes me tired, and your prego. You must be nesting, or really wanting to sell your house:). Good luck and get some rest now! Love ya!

Dana Scarbrough said...

Hope it pays off tomorrow- if not, it for sure will eventually- Go Bonny! That's awesome for a day's work, and pregnant to boot- go you! Mint oreos- nuff said.

Rebekah Sacran said...

Wow! That's amazing! Hope the look goes well.

Elaine said...

Wow. Now I feel lazy.

CLOTHED MUCH, a modest fashion blog