Sunday, February 28, 2010

The Dress I won and the Glasses I bought!

Sorry it has taken so long to post this. I had downloaded the pictures onto Chad's laptop, and he is always gone, so I never got a chance to post. Plus my camera batteries are dead so I couldn't download the pictures onto my cpu. Enough excuses Here she is:

I haven't worn it yet. I've put it on a few times but It doesn't look very good with a Cardigan and it has been too cold to wear by itself, but when I wear it I'll be sure to take pictures.

I ordered some glasses online. Crazy huh? I needed some new glasses so bad, but didn't want to spend the $200 to get some. My friend Amy Greene told me about this website where you can buy glasses for $8.95! It is I am aware that buying glasses without trying them on is a little risky..but for $'s worth the risk. I ordered a black pair and a brown pair. All you need is your prescription. You can just call your doctor and ask.

I thought they looked pretty good. Pardon the no makeup and crazy hair.


Brittany said...

Hey, I think you must have just posted! I am looking forward to seeing the dress on you, it looks dang cute. And, I love their tags, w/ the bows. The glasses are great too! I'm going to do that after I get my eyes checked.

Diane said...

Very cute! I'm glad you won. I need your email address so I can send you an invite to my blog.

Lindsey said...

Those are great looking glasses! IF you don't mind me asking how much were the glasses total with the prescription in them. Joe wants to get his eyes checked. He thinks he needs glasses but he was gonna wait till he got insurance b\c it was too expensive.

One Happy Family said...

Both look great. Aden votes for the first ones. He says, "They're both the same, Mom!" (he must've thought I was tricking him). Makeup or no makeup you have natural beauty.

Elaine said...

Great dress! Downeast has the best dresses. And I think your glasses look great on you!!! Andf or $9 you can't beat that.

My husband went to the Cuayan/Ilogan mission in 2004-2006. We plan on going to Manila, Banaue, basically Region2, and possibly Boracay OR Polowan. We cnat' decide!!

Janel said...

I am so going to get some of those glasses. Brooklynn broke mine and I just haven't wanted to spend the money, but 9 bucks can't pass that up.

LOVE the dress, can't wait to see it on you. By the way the last post about Hallie is cute!!!

Rebekah Sacran said...

Cute! You look a lot like Dallas in the last picture. Love the dress. Hope I get to see you in it!

Candice said...

Those are really cute! I may have to try that website.

Shannon Hairr said...

LOVE the glasses and I can't believe the price!!