Monday, March 16, 2009


I got tagged by Brittany
My Eights

These are DEFINITELY my 8 favorite TV shows!
1. Lost
2. Cosby Show
3. Project Runway
4. Top Chef
5. American Idol
6. Kath & Kim
7. Fringe
8. Friends

8 Things I did Yesterday
1. Took a shower with 2 babies (so not fun)
2. Went to Church
3. Took a long nap YESSSSS
4. Played the Wii with my Fam
5. Had dinner with my Fam
6. Got on the cpu
7. Changed 1000 diapers
8. Had fun talking and joking around with Chad in the bed before we went to sleep

Things I am looking forward to
1. Chad having a steady job
2. Fixing up our house
3. The kids being out of the house so we can travel
4. Being done with having children
5. Brittany coming to Visit
6. Christmas
7. Building our dream home
8. Not having to worry about Money (will this ever happen?)

8 Favorite Restaurants
1. Logan's
2. Wingers
3. Panera Bread
4. TGIFridays
5. Olive Garden
6. Macaroni Grill
7. Goten or any Japanese steak house that's good
8. Cozumel's

8 Things on my wish list
1. Hard wood floors
2. A fence
3. Tile for my kitchen
4. Blinds
5. Vacuum cleaner
6. To be skinny
7. Go on Vacation preferably the beach
8. A new Car

I'm supposed to tag 8 people, but I'm not going to, if you want to do it, do it.


Unknown said...

Bonny, you are hilarious! I was kinda taken off-guard that one of the things you listed as doing yesterday was YOUR HUSBAND! Too funny!

Janel said...

I agree with lori, that is funny! I love you bonny you always know how to make a girl laugh!

Brittany said...

Haha, I can see that they are reading further into your "joking around and having fun in bed" w/ that what you really meant?! haha

Chad & Bonny Day said...

Well at first i had posted made love to Chad but then i took it off to be a little more discreet, I'm glad you girls got it!!

Jenny said...

Oh dear, Bonny! Just when you think you know a! :)