Sunday, March 15, 2009


Last week, Chad's boss came up to him and told him that they are getting rid of his position. Scary. We really were hoping they wouldn't do this until the beginning of the summer. It happened a lot sooner then we had hoped. We quickly made dentist and eye appointments. We won't have benefits anymore. We are trying to find Chad a new job, I might need to get a job too, just until we find out about the fire fighting position. I don't know if I mentioned it, but Chad is trying to get on with the Smyrna fire dept. It will be a perfect job for him while he goes back to school. He works 1 day and then is off 2. The benefits are great, and he also has a dream of starting his own business so this would work great for that. He has his physical agility test next week. It's extremely difficult and most don't get through it. We still wont find out if he has the job for probably a month after this test. Please pray for us. We need to find Chad a job, and he REALLy needs to pass this test!!! Funny picture:

Haha!!! What do ya'll think of my husband becoming a sexy firefighter??


Brittany said...

haha Yeah, Chad would fit in great w/ those firefighters. Dang, that is so scary, I hope he gets a better job soon, we've been praying everyday for him. Why haven't you talked to me about this?

Chad & Bonny Day said...

I told you on the phone today, but i dont think you were listening.

Dana Scarbrough said...

Man, I hope he gets a job soon too! Hoping the best for ya'll. BTW, SO smart to get those appointments in!!! =)