Wednesday, February 25, 2009


So the other day when Chad got home from work, we were in the kitchen, getting the kids a snack and he said to me, "I thought about you at work today." I said, "Really? What did you think about?" he said, "Well, I was just thinking that if I met you today and we had never met each other, I wondered if I would find you just as beautiful and interesting as the day we got married." He paused for a second, I looked up at him, and he said, "And I thought, Yes, I would." Isn't that the sweetest thing a man could say to his wife? It made me feel soo good! Thank you Chad!!

A couple of weeks ago, Hallie was sitting in my lap, she grabbed my face and looked into my eyes, all of a sudden she got this surprised look on her face and she said, "Mommy! I can see Hallie in your eyes!" first it threw me off guard, and I thought what a funny thing to say and then I realized she saw her reflection in my eyes. So cute.


Rebekah Sacran said...

Elaina said that same thing to me the other day. It was a funny moment.

Very sweet, Chad.

Janel said...

Chad get's some big points for that. That is really sweet!

Meghan said...

What a man! That's so awesome that he feels that way, very sweet!

I love children and the things they say. :)

One Happy Family said...

Those are sweet stories. It's nice to be loved isn't it?