Friday, January 20, 2012

Life Lately

So I feel like I haven't really been very personal on this blog, for quite a while, actually. Since I moved to Columbus really. I think it's time for an update on what's been going on in our lives.

First of all, I really hated Columbus when we moved here. And part of me still, kind of, does. When we first moved here, I thought I could NEVER live here permanently. I hated the ward (okay, strongly disliked), I hated this city, I hated the grocery stores (I know, but it's a big deal, okay! We have no Kroger!) Sad I know. But now I feel like I'm beginning to feel like it's kind of, sort of, gasp!,  home? Maybe? I feel like I could possibly live here permanently. So that's good right? I still miss home, home, but at least there is some progess.  And...I finally don't feel like the "new girl" in church anymore, finally. I'm starting to make friends and I feel more comfortable. I'm loving Hallie and Owen's school and the town I live in, Midland, a suburb of Columbus, and although I hate my Kitchen ;), I feel SOOOO blessed to have our home. I'm also really grateful that Chad has a job! That's a great one! To be together as a family again, after so long has just been Wonderful!!

So, I recently found out that I have a thyroid problem. I had been having problems with exhaustion, (almost) depression, joint pain, weight gain (I gained 7 lbs in 2 weeks). The thing that bothered me the most was the exhaustion. I mean I literally had NO energy. I just figured it was from having a 1 year old. Anyways, I went to the doctor, for a routine checkup, not because of any of the symptoms above, it was the end of the year and our insurance covers a checkup once/year so I went, expecting a clean bill of health. They called the next day telling me I had hypothyroidism, which means my thyroid is not producing enough hormones, causing all of the symptoms above. I started bawling, the only thing I had heard about having thyroid problems, was that people that had it, couldn't lose weight. I've always had a problem with my weight. It's much harder for me to lose weight than the normal person. So it was hard for me to hear this. So I'm having a hard time with it, and trying to figure out how to lose weight. But the medicine has helped a lot, I am no longer exhausted, in pain or depressed, but there still is the weight issue I need to deal with. Ever since my pregnancy with Knox, I have had a really hard time getting all of my baby weight off. I have been working out, trying to eat healthy and I am starting to cut soy out of my diet. We shall see how it goes.

So here is an update on Chad: He is working like crazy but loves it. He is also teaching classes at CSU. He loves that as well. He is about to become a physical trainer, and a certified white water instructor. He is going to school. He has 2 more semesters and he will graduate with his Masters in Public Administration. He will then start on his Doctorate. He is such a good Daddy. He loves playing with the kids and building fires with Owen and Knox in our fire place. He is also a great husband! He treats me like a queen and I'm so grateful to have him in my life!!

Hallie is in Kindergarden and is LOVING it!! We have been working all year on her sight words and sounding out words. It has been a constant battle between us. Lot's of tears and frustration, but it has finally paid off. One day a few weeks ago, she just starting reading..I'm such a proud Mommy!! I really didn't think she would start reading until next year, that's how hard it has been for us. She is sooo sweet. She is very sensitive, like I was. She will cry at the drop of a hat. Yesterday, she started crying because she didn't want Knox to grow up. She loves him so much. She is such a big helper and will help me out in anyway she can. I'm so grateful for her and her sweet spirit.

Owen is in Pre-K at the same school that Hallie is at. He LOVES it. He is learning so much and enjoying his friends and his Teacher. He is our little jokester. He is constantly making us laugh. He likes to aggravate his sister and he loves making Knox laugh. He will do anything to get him to giggle. He got a 4 wheeler for Christmas and that is his favorite thing to do right now. He is a good little boy and we love him so much!!

Knox..oh my Knox. He melts my heart. He is stubborn-oh so stubborn. He has not been a very easy baby. He doesn't smile or laugh as often as Hallie and Owen did. But when he does, oh my, it brightens the whole room. He is very smart. He gets into everything..he knows how to open lids, jars, boxes, drawers etc. He loves to cuddle, which I LOVE. He also loves Yo Gabba Gabba. He is so good at sleeping, which I'm grateful for, because the first 6 months of his life, this was not the case. He is staring to really bond with Chad. I think it took a while because he wasn't really around him the first 6 months of his life. Chad loves cuddling with him and playing with him. Knox loves playing outside. He's obsessed with dogs and trucks. We have a little puppy book and he barks and licks each puppy he sees.

So anyways, that's what has been going on with us! I will be posting about Christmas soon!


benjaminnleslie said...

I loved getting to read about what is going on in your lives and how everyone is!! Thanks for updating us! ..and I'm glad that it's finally starting to feel like home me hope about moving for law school this summer!

Meghan said...

I read this on my phone at some wee hour of the morning. I'm glad I remembered to come back and comment... now if I can remember what I wanted to say. :)

I'm so glad that things are starting to feel somewhat like home. I can't imagine moving away from my family.

I hope you can figure out how to deal with your new found health issue.