Saturday, July 17, 2010

Job Update and Maternity clothes:

I am overcome with Gratitude for my Heavenly Father today. No, we didn't get the dream job we've been waiting for. But..i remember about a month ago, praying and pleading, begging the Lord to help us find a job that was in this area. I remember crying, no, bawling and telling Him that I needed Chad home, I wanted my family back. I prayed for a long time. Well, a few weeks later my prayers were answered.

Chad was home for the weekend, we were pulling out of the Wal-mart parking lot, when we saw a man from our ward, we waved and kept driving, but he waved us down. We stopped and he told Chad that he should come work with him. I don't think Chad would have decided to try the job if this man hadn't done this. It is the same company my Dad works for, Best Choice Roofing. My Dad had tried to convince Chad to work with him before. Well Chad decided to do it, it is 100% commission.'s really easy. He just asks people if they would like a free roof inspection, and then he works with their insurance company to get them a new roof. All the customer has to pay is the deductible. Nice huh? (We just got a new roof a few months ago for $200, Anyone want a free roof inspection? ;) He is doing well so far and Oh I am soo grateful that he is home now. SOO grateful!

I get to find out what the baby is in a week 1/2!! YAY! I'm so excited about this! Couldn't be more thrilled!!! I am so excited about this baby. I love him or her already. I still get headaches everyday, but other then that, I feel great! it hard for ya'll to find cute maternity clothes? Blegh. Target used to have cute stuff..what happened? It's so sad. With 4 weddings (it was 5, one got cancelled) it has been extremely difficult finding cute, inexpensive dresses to buy, plus they have to match the wedding colors..I guess.... Here are a few cute things I have seen, I can only order them online and I'm kind of leery of doing that. I just can't afford them all anyways!! ;)

Nordstroms:(my favorite)

Shabby Apple:

A Pea in the Pod:


Some Maternity website..if you want to know where..just ask and i'll do some digging and find it for you!

Target: (online exclusive)

Where do you shop for Maternity clothes?


Dana Scarbrough said...

I love the last two! I actually have no advice- I didn't really shop at all cause I was loaned a ton of great cute clothing for the end, and stayed in bed in pjs or basketball shorts for the first 31 weeks! You might have to go with online. Also, try looking to see if there is a consignment store around Nashville, all the students and consignment stores here have lots of clothes to sell too. Good luck, and I can't wait to hear what you're having!!!

Joni and John said...

I actually saw a pretty cute maternity dress at Old Navy of all places a couple weeks ago.. . Maternity Clothes are just hard- sometimes I think its best to just buy regular clothes a size larger- and then you stuff your big butt into it afterwards too! Where is that one dress from with the white trim? I seriously love it!

Joni and John said...

Just to be clear- I was refering to myself stuffing my big butt into the clothes afterwards- not yours. You butt is lovely Bonny :)

Trisha said...

Bonny, go to ROSS!!! I love shopping there because there stuff is so cheap, and the material is good. You can find "regular" dresses there in a bigger size for maternity, and cute skirts that aren't maternity, but again, just buy it in a bigger size and it doesn't look bad at all. About 90% of all my maternity clothes, jeans, skirts, shirts, etc come from there. I can't wait to find out what you are having, and I'm so excited you are sticking around!

benjaminnleslie said...

Yay!!! I'm so happy for you guys about the roofing job and answered prayers! :o) Makes me feel so happy for you! I can't wait to find out what you're having!!!

Nashville Stolle said...

Ummm. you crack me up... I already drool over the cute maternity wardrobe you have now!! I love the blue and white, and the shabby apple- cuuute!

I buy maternity clothes at Old Navy, Target, and then wear clothes that are too big like Trisha.But mine aren't as cute as yours.

Lindsay said...

I bought my stuff online at the Gap, a few from Old Navy but everything I got from there was extra wide! I got most of my stuff from Ross, you should go there! So happy you are having a little boy! I love little boys!