Thursday, September 3, 2009


So this week Chad has been out of town: ALLLLLL week :( He's been working for his Dad in Cookeville. On top of that, I've been sick, one of those colds that make you feel like you have the flu, that just will NOT go away. It seems like it's getting worse, not better. I cried alot yesterday, I felt miserable and I wasn't being a good mommy, I just didn't feel like it. Owen also kept getting into everything! The chewing of the glue gun sticks was my last straw, I broke down, right when Abby's mommy, Jocelyn, came to pick her up, how embarrassing. She must have thought, wow, she must really love those glue gun sticks, but it wasn't just that, it was the dumping of the laundry, the throwing of the popcorn, the spilling of the water (all over my living room), etc, etc...all the stuff she hadn't seen. I went to my moms house, when we returned home I found this sitting by my front door:

How sweet is she??? Jocelyn sure did make my day, that and the two Benadryl pills I took to help me go to sleep last night, sigh. Too bad that stuff wouldn't let me get out of bed this morning. The kids woke up at 6:30 as usual. I got up, put a movie on, gave them a granola bar, their sippy cups and went back to bed. Please don't think I"m a horrible parent. I listen to what they're doing. A little while later, when I heard cereal being poured into a bowl, I found this hiding behind my couch:

If you are wondering what was in her cereal bowl It was this:

And a few raisins thrown in there, Owen had one too, I think they thought it was cereal. I feel horrible.

Oh well, all is quiet right now, I better go see what they're up to. ;)


Lindsey said...

i am sorry you are not feeling well. I hope things get better for you. You are a great mommy.
I was looking at th box of those cheese its. They say hot and spicy.. did the kids still actually eat them?

Dana Scarbrough said...

Its alright, totally okay to be "that" kind of mommy when you feel so bad!! They are good kids and will be fine! Get some rest!

Trisha said...

Don't feel bad. I too put TV on for the kids, give them a granola bar and milk, and go back to bed because my room is Right next to the living room. Some days we just need to get that extra little bit of sleep! You're great and I hope you get feeling better!

Brittany said...

That's ok, I'd probably do something like that even if I wasn't sick haha. But, you're a much better mommy than me. Although, if I tried to do that now Cade would be climbing all over me, he has to be where I am at all times, or at least keep checking in on me. But, you have a great excuse, you're sick!

Amy said...

You are a great Mommy and I totally understand the whole situation. I have done the back to sleep thing as well as I'm sure any normal person does...especially when sick and miserable. Hope you get to feeling better soon and that Chad comes home soon to help's hard being the one doing everything while Daddy is away!

Rebekah Sacran said...

Oh man. We all do that kind of parenting at some time or another. I can't believe they eat hot and spicy crackers!

Chad & Bonny Day said...

Yes, they were hot & spicy, although, I don't think they are very all, they just have a little zing to them. Amy, I feel bad now, I was complaining about one week, and your hubby is gone for years at a time.. I'm sorry. Thanks for the sacrifice you and your family make for this country!!

The Gilday Family said...

Bonny! I would hope you know I love you and you are a wonderful Mom and appreciate you watching Abby while I'm at work. Everyone does that and don't ever think that you are a bad parent.

One Happy Family said...

Sometimes you've just got to take more time for yourself. Way to hang in there. Were they okay with the spicy cheez its?

Elaine said...

Hello! Thank you so much for the comment on my blog!! To be quite honest, I never imagined parenting to be easy. And this just proves to me that not everyone is perfect. I see many "super moms" but I think....are they really that perfect? Maybe they are, maybe they're not. But at least you're real about it. I hope things look up for you! :) And I thought the Cheez-it cereal was funny :D. Something I would totally do now...

The Keeleys said...

Kids do funny things. Trying to take care of little ones and being sick at the same time especially when your husband is not there, it's very tough. Hope you are feeling better. Thanks for always commenting on our blog. I feel like I know you even though we never met. Mike said if we knew each other, we would be good friends! Anyway, We bought Cannon powershot SD780 IS. I love it! Hope you find one soon. it's tough not having one.