Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Interview Update

So Chad had a phone interview with the University of Houston, he got a Second Interview!! They are flying him out on Tuesday and he'll be coming home Wednesday night!!! So exciting, but nerve wrecking, or is it wracking? hmm...anyways, I don't even want to think about it!!

I'm going to Utah on October 7-13. I need spending money!! Do any of you know of anyone who would want to buy bows??? Sorry, I had to ask. www.bonnybluebows.blogspot.com

I am breaking out like crazy. When will this ever end??


Rebekah Sacran said...

I would but it isn't a prudent time for me. But you know I would if I could.

When will you hear back about the interview?

Elaine said...

That's so awesome about the interview!!! And you're coming to Utah?!? Fun fun! :D
