Tuesday, April 14, 2009

GREAT News!!!!

So the Smyrna Fire Department called Chad today and asked him if he'd come to an Interview on the 21st at 8 am!!!!! We are sooo excited that they called, we weren't expecting to hear from them for another week or so, and we also expected a letter, not a call!! So pray that he does well!! After this he will have another interview. We know that if he gets called in for the 2nd interview they will be offering him the job!! Here are a few pictures to celebrate the news!!

So Chad brought home some baked potatoes from a church function and left them on the table. Hallie kept saying, "My tummy is hungry, my tummy is hungry!" (even though she had just eaten) We walked into the kitchen to find this:

Chad brought this little "fire pit" home from his parents and set it up for the kids. He told them it was hot and not to touch it, and they didn't! haha (it is just some light weight paper with a fan and a yellow light underneath)

We went to Sam's and Hallie begged me for some icecream, I wouldn't have normally gotten it for her but I had promised her a treat that day. The ice cream cup was HUGE, it was twice the size of the cup she was holding, she ate a lot of it!! ...and got most of it on herself. She was freezing!!

We started our garden a couple of weeks ago. I planted flowers and Chad planted vegetables, the kids helped fill the cups with dirt, they loved getting all dirty..

Hallie's soccer team, half the kids weren't there..oh well..


Unknown said...

Looks fun Bonny! I hope you guys get the job. Your kids are adorable. Are they always in their underwear like mine are :) Ha ha ha!

Janel said...

That's great news, I really hope he gets the job. I was just looking at you bows. Leave it up to you to make adorable bows. I would totally buy some from you.

Jenny said...

That is awesome! Good Luck!!

P.S. I want some of the butterfly clips. I will be at my parents on the 25th! I will buy some from you then. Let me know the price!

Brook and Jason :) said...

You have the cutest kids! I love the naked picture by the fire! LOL! I miss you girly! Hope everything is going well!

One Happy Family said...

More cute pictures. I have to say the background in Hallie's soccer pic. almost looks real. J/K In the picture of the mini fire pit it really looks real. I was thinking how dangerous...but then I read. That's pretty cute that they are sitting there in their undies getting warm by artificial heat.