Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Hallie got was able to be the "Terrific Tiger" at school a few weeks ago. It is a reward the students recieve for good behavior. Once a week the teacher chooses someone and they get their picture taken, they get to wear a special t-shirt and they get to eat lunch on the stage and with their parents and they receive a special treat. She loved it.

Our stake had a Fall Fest, it was a lot better than expected! They had blow ups, homemade rootbeer, carameled apples, donut eating contests, face painting, a chili cookoff, a cake walk, all kinds of stuff! I was way impressed, only Hallie and I went b/c Owen was sick. I was so sad he missed this.

Pumpkin Carving

Hallie Gagging and being a drama queen over the pumpkin..


Mimi Kept trapping Knox..I don't think he knew what to think.

Hallie drew this:

It's a witch, a ghost and frankenstein. I thought it was so cute.

This is a common occurrence, especially when cooking or cleaning. yay. for. me.;)

1 comment:

benjaminnleslie said...

1st of all- Hallie is sooo beautiful!!
2nd-It cracks me up how in one picture Owen is making this silly face and in the next one it looks like David is making the exact same face..lol.
3rd-Hallie's drawing was so cute!