Thursday, January 13, 2011

Knox William Day

I went in to be induced on December 6, 2010 Here I am!

(The Very short Version)
I went in at 5, they came in and gave me an epidural, (I am TERRIFED, PETRIFIED of getting epidurals, it was HORRIBLE) and then they started the pitosin. When the contractions started, I could feel them! I asked for them to up my didn't work, he told me he would have to give me another one, I started bawling b/c I didn't want another one. But I did it, it was just as bad as the first. It worked on my left side not my right and all down there..I was miserable. The contractions were getting worse and worse, the nurse came in and checked me I was dilated to a 9, I told her I felt like I needed to push and she said, "Oh honey it's not time for that yet." She left the room and another nurse came in. I told her I needed to push, I felt the baby's head drop down and them I screamed and said, THIS BABY IS COMING NOW!! I AM NOT EVEN JOKING YOU! HE IS COMING NOW! The other nurse ran in jumped on the bed and caught him as he came out. YAY!


Going Home for the first time!

First Sponge Bath... He hated it!

They change everyday!!





Brittany said...

I hadn't heard about the nurse having to jump on the bed to catch Knox! What in the world?! Also, I can't believe the changes in each picture! He is growing up so fast. Such a dang cutie!

Linda A. said...

He is so precious!!! Seriously adorable. Congrats!

benjaminnleslie said...

oh Bonny, he is so cute!! It is crazy how fast they change and grow! I hate that your epidural experiences were so bad...what a bummer! :( I wonder why they had such a difficult time with it? Well, atleast it's all over now and you have your sweet baby with you!!

Unknown said...

I love that birth story! You told them who was boss! He is so precious!

Joni and John said...

What a cutie! Oh he is so precious- he makes me so excited to have a boy! I'm sorry your birth was so hard though, I swear some L&D nurses get off on talking down to their patients like they're idiots- we'll atleast you showed them you were right!
Congrats on such a beautiful family!