Friday, February 3, 2012

I wish everything, well okay, almost everything, on my Fashion pinterest page would just magically appear in my closet.

I am in TN, Brittany is here so obviously I had to come up here and see her. I'm going home on Monday, but something might accidentally cause my van to break down, so I will have to stay longer. Or maybe I'll just get "sick". Is it really that bad if the kids miss 6 days of school??

I'm going to Utah in April, I just found out a few days ago that I planned the trip over Easter weekend. I'm so bummed about it. I hate missing Easter with my family. Last year Chad was gone, so I might change my flight, it's with Frontier, hopefully their not little devils about it.

I hate my thyroid right now. I've worked out everyday for 4 weeks (sans Sundays) and eaten 1200 cals/day and I've lost 0 weight. Yay. (If you didn't read the post, I just found out a few months ago I have a thyroid problem)

Valentines Day is coming up! I'm so excited. I love Valentines Day!! I think I will try to make something like this for my kid's lunches this year, they would LOVE it!!



Rebekah Sacran said...

I want to be your kid! :)
Claire is begging me to make those lunches right now.

Trisha said...

So I just got back into the blogging world and found your post on your thyroid. I have to tell you that I have the same thing, I learned about it almost 4 years ago. I have to take medication every day for the rest of my life. (It runs in my family) But it's better than the alternative. I agree, the exhaustion was the worst!! Working out everyday and not seeing results is very very hard. I'm still there too. Keep switching up your workouts and eat small meals a day, I have found that this has really helped me. Don't worry, it does get better, I promise. We just have to work at it a little harder than most people. Don't give up! :)

Meag-a-Leigh said...

I know exactly what you mean about the weight thing! I have been on a 990 calorie diet and excersizing 5 days a week for a month with ZERO results....ughh. frustrating. But you look beautiful! Don't sweet the lbs. really, they mean nothing as long as you feel great!

Chad & Bonny Day said...

Wow, Meagan, maybe you should get your thyroid tested! You should have lost some weight, I think you look great of course! Can you tell a difference in how your clothes fit?

Meag-a-Leigh said...

Thanks! I know I really should get it checked out. I can only tell a very slight difference. SUPER frustrating

Brittany said...

Did you ever look into changing your flight? I just looked at their webpage and I think it's something like $50 to change!