Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Homemade Christmas Gifts

I made this for my Mom and Vicki. I found it here.

I made this for Paige and Dallas. I bought a wooden plague at hobby lobby, painted it black, traced the plaque onto the scrap book paper, modge podged it to the plaque, printed off the pictures, then modge podged them as well and then I added a picture hook to the back that I found at lowes. I wanted to add a ribbon, but was nervous to do so b/c I didn't know their house colors. 

I made these for some of my sisters and Chase's girl friend, Hannah.

I made the next two for Brittany. This is pretty much the same concept as the plaque above, but I just bought a letter and painted it red, and glued it to the plaque.

On this one, I bought all the little wooden plaques at Hobby lobby, and did the same as above but stapled them to the ribbon, easy peasy.

I made this for my sister in law, Candi, because she loves snowmen, and I made one for myself, b/c it was just so darn cute, the tutorial is found here. Her's is way cuter, I also couldn't find scrabble pieces so I printed off some scrabble letters, What do you think? Was it tacky to do that?


Susan Lo Vue said...

the snowmen looks so cute! you inspired me to do some of these arts n craft! The printed scrabble letters are not tacky! it looks good!

Joni and John said...

You are so amazing! Your crafts are actually beautiful and so nice looking! Mine always always always look like crap. I've just come to accept that I'm not crafty and I should just leave it to the artistic people.

Chad & Bonny Day said...

Awww..Thanks ya'll!! If we lived near each other I would totally do crafts with you!!

Janel said...

You are so talented! Next year I'll just pay you to make all my Christmas gifts:). You really got a knack for this kind of stuff. Loved reading all your past post. Your family is growing up. I need to call you and catch up. Love ya!

Candice said...

Cute gifts Bonny! I'm sure everyone was thrilled with what you gave them!!