Monday, November 29, 2010

For your Information

Yesterday, I curled Hallie's hair, she was very proud of her hair. She ran to Owen and said, "Owen look at my hair, isn't it pretty?" Owen said, "Oh, Hallie, I could just eat you up for dinner."

Chad LOVES his job! LOVES it! I'm so glad.

We still have not sold our house, in fact, we've only had one showing. Very frustrating! We have lowered the price of our house significantly, hopefully there will be some showings this week. Chad and I and the kids are having a hard time being away from each other.

Last week, I went to the Doctor, he said I was dilated to a 3. He said, "It will be any day now, so get ready!" I was hoping and praying so hard he would come last week b/c Chad was here. I walked, I did jumping jacks, jumped on the bed, ate spicy foods, danced, cleaned and one other thing I won't mention on here..:) a few times at that. He's stubborn. He wouldn't come.

This week Chad has this HUGE training everyday until 11pm. He really can't miss it. Someone is flying in to do the training. It would be almost impossible to make up. I'm going to try and take it easy this week so that I won't go into labor. (I secretly want to though). Don't tell Chad.

I had a great Thanksgiving did you?

Now, Chad is back in GA and I'm sad.

I kinda want to put my Christmas list on here, do you think it would be weird?


Unknown said...

You crack me up! :)
Yes, I want to see your christmas list!! I hope that stubborn little boy can wait a little longer!

Brittany said...

I think you should put up your Christmas list. I think you should scan in your list, b/c I know you have probably drawn a little sketch of each thing. Also Hallie and Owie look so adorable at the wedding! I love Owie's hat. I also like how Chad and Owen wore the tennis shoes, very cute. Oh and Hallie is so dang cute sitting in her chair getting her nails done.

Rebekah Sacran said...

If my baby is a boy I want that hat of Owen's as a hand-me-down. Love it! my sister had hwe baby thnksgiving day. It was fun. I hope somehow Chad will be able to be there for the birth.
I want to see the list! :)

Nashville Stolle said...

HAHAHHAHAHAHAHA!! I love this post.

Of course you should post your list... If you post yours I'll post mine! Randy said I can't have anything else because he's already finished shopping... but a girl can dream right?

So I will now reverse my prayers so that your baby will stay in until Chad is free to be with you!

Candice said...

So funny! I love your kids! They are so dang cute! I hope the baby holds out until Chad can be here!