Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Leftover Pics

Here are some pictures from the end of last year, beginning of this year, that I just didn't have time to add:

This is Britt and Cade when they came to visit for thanksgiving. Don't I have the cutest nephew ever?

Here are some pics of when it snowed, we made a snowman and used our potato head pieces for the face. Hallie and Owen had a blast until Hal fell on the sidewalk and hurt her knee. She cried for a long time after that, I think b/c she was so cold.

Here are some gifts I made. I just went to hobby lobby and bought plain wood ornaments/decorations and then picked out some cute scrapbook paper traced the shape of the piece of wood and then mod podged it to the wood. Britt helped me with it. I think they turned out cute and I will def. be doing this again next year.

We went to see santa, don't have any pics of that b/c my camera was broken, we bought some, but I really don't feel like scanning them in. Hallie wouldn't sit with santa by herself so I ended up sitting by santa with the kids in my lap. I asked Santa if he wanted me to sit in his lap but he didn't seem too excited about that. ;) anyways, these are some pics of the kids at the mall that day.

Here are some pics of our Gingerbread houses:

And this is a pic of Owen and Daddy. Owen got a new race car bed for Christmas from his Nana. He LOVES it! (So does his Daddy)

And this, this is funny..I was sitting in the Living room, folding clothes, after dinner one night and Hallie took her plate from the kitchen, started running, tripped over the clothes and her face landed right in her plate, it was hilarious. She didn't cry b/c she got hurt, she was just upset b/c her food was all over the floor. I told her that she shouldn't have brought her food into the living room in the first place (that's a no no) I know I probably shouldn't have, but I laughed so hard. If you look closely you can see rice and green beans all in Hallie's hair. I know...I'm a horrible Mother haha.


Brittany said...

The ornaments turned out great!!! I love the bows. My niece and nephew are so cute. I love all the pictures.

Unknown said...

Poor Girl! That is great you grabbed a camera and captured it though.

Rebekah Sacran said...

That last picture is hysterical! It doesn't even look like Hallie.
That was a fun post!

One Happy Family said...

The picture is worth a 1000 words. The screaming, the princess dress, and the green bean & rice- that is funny!

Janel said...

I am so glad you posted a lot of pictures. I love your ornaments. To cute, I am not surprised your so good at that kind of stuff! I didn't think it was possible but your kids just keep getting cuter.

Jenny said...

That picture is great!! I laughed so hard! Poor girl!

You are very creative! I love your ornaments! I wish I could do stuff like that!

Your kids are so darn cute! They look just like you!

Chad & Bonny Day said...

Jenny, you could so do this! Its so easy!! Thank you for the comment!