Monday, March 21, 2011

Life Lately

We got an offer on our house a few weeks ago. They offered the price we were selling it for, but they also wanted us to pay for closing costs and to do few repairs..expensive repairs. I'm really frustrated because they are already getting a GREAT deal on the house. So I have been torn, should we pay the extra money (and by extra I mean ALOT) so we can be together? Or should we hold off for another offer? It's SOOOO frustrating.

I am here in Columbus, GA. Looking for a house. We are renting because we don't know the area and we want to figure out where we would like to buy. IT has been SOO hard to find a house here. So hard. You could be in a really nice area and then turn the corner and it looks like the ghetto. Not even joking. Renting here is much more expensive, utilities here are much more expensive and groceries are much more expensive. It's SOOOO frustrating.

The first house I looked out I loved, but later found out it was in a bad part of town. The second house we looked out was in the country, on two acres of land. It was an older home with tons of space. I really wasn't that sure about it. I liked it b/c it was big, but it was definitely, very outdated. It was also in a really good area with good schools. We called about the utilities: on average $264/month. WHAT? We crossed it off our list. And the search continued, we then looked at 15 more houses. NONE of them felt like us. The house in the country started to not sound so bad. We went to look at it again and we felt like it was the right choice for us. We put in our application today and are waiting to hear back. Let's hope they accept us.

Knox is 3 1/2 months now. He is sleeping a lot better. The past 3 nights anyways. He slept 5 hours straight! WHAT? WHAT? I'm so excited. He's sleeping right now and I'm too stressed to wake him. LIfe with 3 kids is a lot harder. I don't know if it's because I've been a single mom or if it's just harder with 3 kids. I kind of feel like all my attention has been focused on him that I've forgotten my other 2 babies. I hope they don't feel like they are not as important. They are just as important and I love them just as much, it's just that a little baby is SOO much more demanding.

Can I vent? Some more? I don't want to move here. It's such an ugly city. I feel like I don't have a place here. I know I'm going to be lonely. I don't feel at home. And I wonder if I ever will. I feel lost and unsure. Chad loves his job! Loves the people he works with. I am SOO glad. But what about me? Will I ever love it here? I guess I just feel kind of left behind. I hope that doesn't sound selfish. I really am happy for Chad, for our family. We get to be together again. And I suppose that's all that matters right now.


claireb said...

Oh girl. I'm giving you a virtual hug. It'll all work out, I'm sure! and you'll definitely find tons of friends - because your personality attracts people to you. xoxo

djfairhurst said...

I agree with Claire. always seems to take 6 months to feel like your new place is home...give it time:)!

Jeremy said...
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Heather Gray said...

Oh, Bonny! I know that I will feel just the same as you when we finally move away from our little "comfort zone". It'll take a little while to settle in, but soon you'll grow to love it there and everyone there will LOVE you just as much as we all do here. Hang in there. Heavenly Father knows what's best for you. Hugs!

Joni and John said...

I don't blame you for not wanting to move. We may be moving across the country here in a few months (like August- a month after our new baby comes) and I am honestly dreading it. Everywhere I look, either looks trashy or weird and foreign, or of course its TOTALLY out of our price range. ugh. I'm so sorry- All I can say is- this too shall pass. I am sure this feeling will subside and eventually you will grow to atleast tolerate Georgia. I will keep you and your cute little family in my prayers :)

Brittany said...

Just so ya know, I got my cpu back yesterday!!! So, I just read this post. You need to put an updated post to let ppl know you're moving so soon and where you're going to live for sure. I'm sorry you're feeling like this, but don't worry, it did not sound bad at all the way you wrote it! PPl know you, and totally understand, I'm sure we would all be complaining more than you! ;) Love you!

Candice said...

I'm sorry your sad Bonnie! It may be a little challenging at first, but you'll find friends and fun stuff to do there! Everyone will love you when they get to know you!! Plus, you can always come back here to visit!

Anonymous said...

Hang in there, Honey. You will get use to it. It is very hard to make life changes but they always bring blessings. You remind me of my 3 daughter in laws. God Bless.

Brittany said...

About the artichoke dip, Are you thinking of the spinach dip? The dip that I've made for ya'll that is served cold in a bread bowl? Have you made this and put it in a bread bowl before?