Friday, December 26, 2008


So, Christmas has come and gone, I'm sad about it, but we had such a great time! This past Sunday we went to Chad's parents house and had our annual get together. We drew names back in October and everyone opened their gifts. I love doing that, its so fun seeing what everyone gets each other. Christmas eve, we went to my parents house and had a party, we opened our pajamas and had a little Christmas program. Momma was getting pretty annoyed b/c all the boys were singing the Christmas songs so horrible (on purpose). It was funny though. We went home that night put the kids to bed and started wrapping presents. We had already wrapped most of the kids presents but we had to wrap presents for my family (which took forever). And Chad had to put an electric train together. We rearranged all the furniture and put the Christmas tree in the middle of the room and then set up the electric train to go around the Christmas Tree. It was pretty cute.
We stayed up until Midnight and then woke up at 6 am the next morning. The kids LOVED the Train!! Especially Owen. He would get upset everytime we turned it off. The whole, 3 gifts thing, worked out really well!! It was not at all overwhelming and they loved all of their gifts. Hallie's favorite was the little people's princess castle we got her. Owen really just liked the electric train oh, and his stocking candy, he freaked out about that! haha! Chad got me those red shoes I wanted! :)After our Christmas we went to my family's home and opened gifts. It was so fun seeing what everyone got. I was so excited b/c Momma & Daddy got me the cutest black and white coat..oh I love it!! and they got Chad a multi-game table. I just loved watching everyone open the gifts we got them. After that we went home and had to get ready for our party. The missionaries came, Jason and Rebekah Sacran, My family, My grandma, Uncle Jackie and Shannon. It was a full house, but it was definitely entertaining. Today Chad's parents came to Smyrna and brought us some gifts. Some of the Highlights: Chad and I got a grill and a new bedspread! So CUTE!!Hallie got her "tinkerbell Kitchen" and Owen got a little tykes roller coaster! So fun. We enjoyed spending the day with them playing games and talking. Thank you to everyone for the gifts we recieved! I just feel so blessed. I think about all the little children in the world who don't get to have a Christmas and I just feel so grateful for everything we have. We have such a great extended family. My kids are so blessed b/c they have grandparents on both sides who love them and are strong in the gospel. I love this season of giving. We had so much fun giving to others this year and teaching Hallie and Owen how to give and Serve. I just wish we could have done more. Anyways, hope you all had a great Christmas!! p.s. unfortunantly our Camera is broken so, we won't have pictures up for a while. Good news though, we are getting the internet on Tuesday!! Yeah!! Can't wait!

Thursday, December 11, 2008


What do all you Mothers out there do during the day with your kids? I feel like I'm just trying to get through the day, make it go by faster. Do ya'll have a set schedule for them? I mean what do you do to entertain them? Teach them? I feel like I need to be doing more with my kids, any ideas?

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree

So this year it was so fun decorating the Christmas Tree because Hallie understood what was going on. She absolutely loved it. Owen did too, he loved taking the ornaments out of the box and hiding them. Hallie enjoyed putting the star on the tree although, she sat on it right before we were about to put it on, and broke it, so we had to glue it with a hot glue gun..haha..I so need to get a new star! Anyways, I LOVE Christmas, it is My favorite time of the year! I'm just so sad that my babies are growing up, it does make it more fun though. Hallie Can't wait for Santa to come, and she knows that we celebrate Christmas because of the Saviors Birth. I try very hard to make sure she knows that's the main reason for Christmas. This year we are only giving 3 gifts each, to symbolize the 3 gifts from the wise men. Its been nice, b/c I would've bought way more then what we did. They do have some real nice stocking gifts though. Haha. Anyways, Merry Christmas everyone, and I hope that yours is a very good one, and I hope we all remember the real reason for Christmas, the Birth of our, Savior, Jesus Christ!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Family Pictures (kind of)

So, for Thanksgiving all of my family was in town, so my Mom wanted to do family Portraits b/c it will be a while for the whole family to be together again. Well, time ran out, we weren't able to go get our pictures taken. But we all had our black, red and white clothes, so my mom made us all put them on and take a picture, it took so long and it was hot and we all hated it but at least we got the picture! This was on Thanksgiving, we should've been out playing football in the backyard. haha. Here it is!

Starting from top: Cameron, Spencer, Dallas, Legrand, Hunter, Bonny, Owen, Hallie, Chad Second Row: Brittany, Cade, Daddy, Momma, Camilla Third Row: Seren, Leah, Hannah

Here are all the brothers:

Here are all the sisters: (this was the only one on my camera that everyone was looking)

Here are the Proud Grandparents with their Grandbabies!

Here's us!

The Long Family

Sunday, November 30, 2008

I've been Tagged AGAIN! ;) Twice!

Hubby Tag
1. Where did you meet? We met at stake dances growing up
2. How long did you date before you were married?e went on a couple of dates before his mission, then we wrote the whole two years just as friends, and then when he got home we date for about3 months, then got engaged and married 3 months later
3. How long have you been married? 4 years & 3 months
4.What does he do that surprises you? he LOVES to surprise me, so he will come home with flowers sometimes for no reason at all, sometimes he will clean the kitchen or living room or do the dishes, and he comes home early from work to surprise me
5. What is your favorite feature of his?His eyes andlips
6. What is your favorite quality of his? He loves me more then anything despite all my flaws
7. Does he have a nickname for you? Bon, Babe, Beautiful
8. Does he have a favorite color?Yellow
9. What is his favorite food? Hamburgers
10. What is his favorite sport?Swimming
11. When was your first kiss? I was staying with my pawpaw who was in the hospital dying from cancer, he drove to chattanooga and suprised me, I walked him to his car that night and he kissed me in the parking garage, it was the best kiss ever.
12. Favorite thing to do as a couple? We like to play games, shop, watch movies, go on dates
13. Do you have any children? Yes, we have a 3 year old girl and a 17 month old boy
14. Does he have a hidden talent?He can do the splits, and he can pop his shoulder blades out of place.
15. How old is he?25.
16. Who said I love you first? He did.
17. What's his favorite music?BeeGees and The beatles
18. What do you admire most about him? He is such a hard worker!
19. Do you think that he will read this? Nope
I tag Rebekah, just b/c i think she'd enjoy doing this one!

Another one, After this I'm done:
4 TV shows I watch:

* Grey's Anatomy
* Project Runway
* The Hills (I know)
* Top Chef

4 Favorite Restaurants:

* Logan's
* Wingers
* TGIFridays
* I-Hop

4 Things I did yesterday:

* Shopping
* Took care of my kids
* Hung out with my family
* Went to Johnnys thanksgiving dinner

4 Things I look forward to:

* Watching my kids grow up
* Building my dream house
* Traveling someday with Chad
* Being able to buy whatever i want (will that ever happen?)

4 things on my wish list:

* Hardwood floors
* New Mattress
* Tile for my Kitchen
* Those Red shoes I've been wanting for a while now, but can't justify buying b/c theyre red shoes and so not practical But i LOVE Them!

I tag: Linsdey Buena

Sunday, November 23, 2008

My little Girl Is growing up!! Oh so Sad!!

So this past Saturday we had a Princess Birthday Party for Hallie! It was so cute. We had little girls come over dressed like princesses. We had a castle pinata, princess cupcakes! When I think about Hallie turning 3 it makes me so sad. Her birthday is actually on thanksgiving but, we had it this weekend b/c I figured everyone would be out of town. Vicki, Chad's Mom, helped out a lot with the party! Thanks MiMi!!! Here are some pics from her shindig!

We had all her little friends dress up like princesses also, and we took a pic of them with the Disney princesses. I will eventually get the pics printed and put it in thank you cards (key word: Eventually! haha)

Here is Hallie Blowing out her Candles!

A survey

1. Where is your cell phone? Still in my scripture case from church today
2. Your significant other? Chad Day, LOVE HIM, he is my life!
3. Your hair? Brown w/ blonde highlights, letting the brown grow out though, tired of the maintenance, hopefully i'll look good as a brunette
4. Your mother? Cheryl, my momma, she cracks me up and I don't think I could live without her!
5. Your father? David, such a good Daddy, and always has the answer to every problem, even if its just giving me a scripture.
6. Your favorite thing? Chocolate, hands down.
7. Your dream last night? Honestly Can't remember.
8. Your favorite drink? Water, Chocolate Milk and sometimes diet coke, yum
9. Your dream/goal? I want to be an interior designer, Don't know if that would happen, I love decorating though its so fun. So I will settle for someday being able to build our own home exactly how we want and me decorating it. But my biggest Dream is that my kids will turn out to be Happy, Good and Hardworking People, Strong in the gospel.
10. The room you're in? my Bedroom
11. Your hobby? Anything artsty, painting, scrapbooking, decorating, cake decorating
12. Your fear? One of my family members dying, that would be really hard.
13. Where do you want to be in 6 years? Chad finished with school, a better job, probably a bigger house
14. what you are not? Skinny
15. muffins? Are we counting calories? Um, what is this? 2 questions? I should be ugh
16. one of your wish list items?a new mattress
17. Where you grew up? Tennessee mainly
18. The last thing you did? Um, read Brittany's blog, thanks for tagging me BRITT!
19. What are you wearing? A long sleeve shirt, sweat pants and socks, SO COLD in here
20. Favorite gadget? Right now? My new pampered chef Knives, those things are wonderful, before that it was my chopper
21. Your pets? Don't have any, probably won't ever, Kids are hard enough, Iwill probably break down and get a dog though, one day.
22. your computer? Mini Mac
23. your mood? Pretty good, a little tired, and anxious for this week to come! I love the holidays
24. Missing someone? Brittany and Janel
25. your car? '99 Saturn Station Wagon
26. something you are not wearing? gloves a hat
27. Favorite store?Target
28. Like someone? DOn't get this question, I like my Chad but britt answered it as if she were like someone, I guess I'm like my mom
29. Your favorite color? Aqua right now
30. When is the last time you laughed? Today at church when Chad was giving a talk and he was talking so fast and I mouthed to him, "Slow down" He kind of laughed and said, "My wife is giving me coaching tips back there" It was a VERY embarrassed laugh though. I've probably laughed since then, but can't remember a specific one.
31. Last time you cried? Friday when i was so overwhelmed with everything that needed to get done for Hallies birthday
I tag Joni, Rebekah, Karie and Jocelynn

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Pumpkin Patch & Halloween

Oh, I love October! I love autumn time and the smell of the change in weather. There's always that first day sometime in October where I walk outside, and it just smells like Christmas. I love that smell, I think its the smell of cold and changing leaves and people burning wood in their fireplaces. I don't know, but it really gets me soo excited! We went to the pumpkin patch for the first time this year. I have never been and I think I loved it more then the kids! The one we went to (sorry can't remember the name) Had a corn maze, petting zoo, play areas, crafts, snack stand, pumpkins for sale, hay rides, etc. The kids had so much fun, unfortunately our trip was cut short b/c Owen started throwing up everywhere! Poor thing, we just quickly picked out our pumpkins and left. Even though I love this time of year, it's also the time of year that my Kids always get sick and it seems like they constantly have runny noses! Halloween was fun as well. Hallie dressed up like sleeping beauty and Owen dressed up like pluto the dog. They love dressing up.

p.s. I added before and after pics of the house below, so take a look if ya want!

Saturday, October 4, 2008

New House!!

Soo sorry it has been such a long time since I've posted anything! A lot has happened! We bought a new house!! We were renting an apt and found out that we could rent for about the same as a mortgage payment, as long as we got a good deal. So, the search began at the end of last year. We started looking for foreclosed homes, homes people were trying to get out of quickly, short sales etc. The first house we looked at, I wanted it, that point I had no idea what went into buying a house, so we didn't get that one. We put the search on hold for a while, to save more money. We made a goal. On Jan 11, I went to visit Heather's grave and met up with her Mother Kim, she told me that she heard I was looking and wanted to be my real estate agent. The search began again, it was much easier with her. She took us to any house we wanted. Most the houses we saw were not in good shape, I saw the potential, Chad saw all the work and money we would have to put into it. Finally on April 19 we found the house, Chad walked in and at the end he said, "I like this house!" Kim and I looked at each and just smiled and squealed! It was a 3 bed 2 bath 1300 sq ft home for 99,900, it was in good shape, clean, well kept. We made an offer the next day. 4 months later they accepted the offer. It was a LOONNNGGG wait, we almost gave up, but b/c of all the foreclosures it typically takes that long, or longer. We love our house though! Life with a house is sooo much better! It is soo wonderful. The kids play so much more, there is so much more room. I have REALLY enjoyed fixing it up. There is so much we want to do to it, and with time we will get it all done. We already have a ton of equity b/c we got it for such a great deal! I feel soooo blessed! I know Heavenly Father helped us to get this home. He helped us to save for it, and helped us to be patient to find it and to wait, I also believed he helped us to have Kim as our realtor (she was great!) Sorry it has been so long since I've written, we no longer have the internet, we got rid of Comcast, b/c our Bill went up..crazy now were looking for internet at low monthly rates..anyone have any suggestions? I will post pics of the house as soon as I can!! Before and after pics as well.

Living Room Before (This furniture is the previous Owners)

Living Room After

So the pics are WAY too high, Chad put them up, but I'm going to bring them down a bit, Chad thinks we should keep it up high b/c of the Kids, what do ya'll think?

The Color turned out to be a little too yellow for me, I wanted more of a sandy camel color, but paint colors never turn out the way the sample looks, I still like it though. I will be getting curtains for the windows soon and we plan on getting hard wood floors in the living room and hallway, someday.

Kitchen Before (Previous Owners pic)

Kitchen After

As you can see it hasn't changed much. The only thing we changed so far is the paint color and we got new hardware. We plan on getting a new tile back splash, tile flooring, new countertops and sink. Oh and Chad is going to build a shelf in the garage for all of our appliances. I'm going to put cute little plates and bowls or something above the cabinets.

Hall Bathroom

This is probably my favorite room so far. When I finally finished it, I would randomly go in there during the day, just to look at it. haha. For this room we are going to get new lighting fixtures and new hardware. Oh yeah, this bathroom before was a peach color, didn't want to bore you with before pics. I just realized that this bathroom matches my blog background, that is too funny, I totally didn't do that on purpose!

Hallie's Room

I need to get curtains and a new lamp for her room. Oh and I want to get some white wooden letters in her name to put over her bed. P.S. I painted the fairy, and had so much fun doing it, I am so proud of it, it took me forever to get it how I wanted it.

Owen's Room
This paint color turned out WAY too dark for me, its soo frustrating when you LOVE the sample & it turns out ALL wrong, oh well. Anyways, I'm thinking about painting a mural of a tree with a monkey hanging from it. Its going to be cute I promise, maybe it will brighten the room up a bit. I have some more pics to show you of his room but its taking too long now to download. (i'm totally using someone else's wireless internet ew scary!) Also, my room is not finished, actually I haven't even started. I will post before pics of that later.

My Bedroom Before (Previous Owners Pic)

P.S. On all these pics I had to lessen the quality so they would download faster, thats why it looks so bitmapped anyways, sorry

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Unexpected Visitors

So last night was interesting, to say the least. Chad was away at work and I put the babies down for bed around 7:30, which is earlier then usual but they were both so tired and grouchy (as was I), so Hallie (she will be 3 in Nov) is usually extremely good about going to bed, she might cry a little but most of the time she goes right to sleep. But on this particular night she threw a FIT! She started screaming at the top of her lungs, fell to the floor and started kicking the door. I went up there and put her back in her bed and tried to calm her down, she wanted her daddy and I told her that when he got home that I would send him in to see her, this calmed her down for like 2 minutes. She started screaming again! (when she screams it sounds like someone is being murdered or something). So, I decided that I would let her scream it out, that maybe she would just fall asleep. About 5-10 minutes later I hear this knock on the door, I went to the door and said "Who is it?" No answer. I said it again, "Who is it?" No answer. I just guessed it was some neighborhood kids or something, So I went and sat down on the couch. They knocked again, I went to the door and Yelled "WHO IS IT!?!" No answer. I got mad then and I put the chain on the door, thinking maybe it was Chad or Dallas (my brother) trying to make me mad. They knocked again and finally I opened the chain attached door (after I wrapped Owen's safari sleeping bag around me, I wasn't really dressed appropriately) I peeked through the opening as i stood to the side and guess who was standing on my porch..Two Police Officers!! They asked me what I was doing, as they looked at my safari sleeping bag wrapped around me (Normally, I would have never gone to the door like that, but i thought it was def. Chad or Dallas!) I instantly knew why they were there, and told them that I was trying to get my daughter to bed. They asked if they could come in, I had nothing to hide, so I said hold on, put my robe on, and let them in. I ran upstairs and brought Hallie down, I explained to them that she was having a hard time going to sleep. They looked a little embarrassed and just said that someone had walked by outside and heard her screaming. They left and I went and sat down on the couch and bawled with embarrassment. I was so upset, why couldn't that person who called the cops, just knock on my door and asked what was wrong! I mean COME ON!!!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

4 Years!!

Yesterday was mine and Chad's 4th anniversary. We didn't do something big just b/c we may be buying a house soon, so we are trying to save all we can. Chad took off work and spent the day with me and the kids, (I also babysit a little girl, Abby Gilday). So it was really nice having him home to help out! We went to the Y that morning and worked out. I talked Chad into going to a class with me. It wasn't aerobics, it was a strength training/running class. It was hard. (I'm sore today!) Anyways, after the class we went swimming with the kids! They Loved it!!! We went home had lunch and then we ALL took a LONG nap! How fun was that! haha..since when do we get to take 2 1/2 hour naps together! That was great! After that we just hung out. Later on that night Chad took me to California Pizza Kitchen. For those of you who have never been there, it's more of a glorified pizza place. I love it. Although, the one in SLC is a lot better b/c they serve bread and they serve Italian Cream soda, whereas the one in nashville only served Italian soda. I had the best pizza though.

Here is what I got: Carne Asada Grilled steak, fire-roasted mild chilies, onions, cilantro pesto, Monterey Jack, and Mozzarella cheeses. Topped with fresh tomato salsa and cilantro.

Here is what Chad Got:
Jamaican Jerk Chicken Grilled Jamaican Jerk spiced chicken breast with our spicy sweet Caribbean sauce, Mozzarella cheese, applewood smoked bacon, mild onions, roasted red & yellow peppers and green onions.

After we ate we walked around Whole foods (never been there, loved it) and then we walked around a little street full of cute boutiques and then we went to the Green Hills Mall, so I could go to Pottery Barn, and Pottery Barn Kids..I love it, love it there! After all that we went to target to get some goodies then went home and watched a movie. Oh yeah, Chad had gotten me a ring for Christmas a couple of years ago with his, mine and Hallie's birthstones in it, for my anniversary gift this year he went and got Owen's birthstone put into it..isn't that so thoughtful, he also got me the second book in the twilight series! I read it in 2 days. haha..anyways, I had such a fun time with him. I can't believe we have been married for 4 years! He has been such a good husband to me, we get a long so well and he is just perfect for me! I love you Chad!!!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Leg Wrestling

THis past sunday we celebrated Seren's (my sister), birthday! We had lasagna, salad breadsticks and ice cream cake after this we all had a leg wrestling competition! It was so fun! I love leg wrestling because its one of the few things I'm really good at. The only person that kills me at it is Chad, his legs are ridiculously strong! Anyways, we all had such a good time! If you don't know what leg wrestling is, here is the description: Leg Wrestling: The two people lie on their back, side by side, with heads pointing in opposite directions. The nearest arms are joined. On a signal each student raises the leg nearest the opponent. This is done three times together, “One”, “two”, “three”. The third time each player hooks his inside leg with the inside leg of his opponent and attempts to turn him over by pulling down with his leg after he has hooked his opponent’s leg. The winner is the wrestlers who pulls the other over. After we leg wrestled we had an arm wrestling competition! I am horrible at this, my little sister Leah almost beat me!! haha, well she didn't almost beat me but it was really hard beating her! All the guys got into this and it was fun watching my dad beat my brothers, I was impressed he's 48 years old and still really strong! Go Daddy!

Monday, August 4, 2008

Our Little Campout

This past friday we went to Fall Creek Falls for a short camp-out with all my family. We got there and set up Camp. I had asked Chad to make me a foil dinner, I just figured it would be a regular foil dinner, but when I took it out of the fire, guess what was in it, ground turkey meat. Yup, that's it, just ground turkey meat! You might be asking yourself, "Where was the carrots, potatoes and onions?" That's the same question I asked Chad when I saw it. Anyways, we had a little spat right there in front of EVERYONE, they all thought it was pretty funny. Chad had brought some Corn on the cob and he put that into the fire. It totally made up for the foil dinner, it was delicious. Needless to say, We all had such a fun time. Sleeping on the ground wasn't too fun (i didn't get any sleep). We usually always sleep on an air mattress, but couldn't find one before we left. They next day we went to the Water hole and the water falls, we went cliff jumping and slid down the rocks that were shape like a slide. The water was freezing but it felt so good in the hot sun. We came back and had a big barbecue. It was a short camp-out but totally worth it!~Bonny

Friday, July 25, 2008

TN to UT then back to TN

So from July 16-22, I went to Utah to visit my sister Brittany, who just had a baby!! I was so excited about this, because it is my first time being an Aunt and I am just thrilled to death!! Caden was absolutely adorable by the way. Vicki, my mother in law was gracious enough to take the kids, I felt bad when I left though, guilt is a better word for it, I wish that I would have brought Owen. Oh well, we had a fun time anyways, we went to tons of restaurants, did tons of shopping, it was just fun fun fun! I also got to attend Caden's blessing, which was awesome, here is a pic of the proud parents! I really enjoyed spending time with Brittany and Cameron and I absolutely adored holding Caden. He is the skinniest baby I've ever seen but he eats all the time! He is starting to smile and sometimes it seems as though he is going to bust out laughing. While I was in Utah, I decided to buy the book Twilight, by Stephenie Meyer, so that I could have something to read on the way home, I bought it friday evening and by the time I was ready to go to bed that night, I had already read over half of it! I couldn't put it down!! I had to try SOOO hard to not read it that weekend, so I could have it to read on the plane. It was very hard. So yeah, I definitely recommend this book it was soo good. Anyways, I was soo ready to get home to see my babies and my husband! I missed them so much. I flew in at Midnight and Chad picked me up, it was soo good seeing him, The next day Vicki brought my babies home. Hallie was so excited to see me, Owen on the other hand, not so much. He was mad at me, he wouldn't smile at me, he wouldn't kiss me, he just sat there, (he did this when he was about 5 months old we left him for an overnight trip). So at first I thought that it was just me, but my mom said something about it as well, she started throwing the ball to him and he'd throw it back to her, then she tried turning him to face me so that he could play ball with me, he would turn right back around and face her and throw it to her. Finally that evening I was upstairs and I heard this really loud scream, I ran downstairs and picked him up and starting soothing him, he finally reached up and kissed me and hugged me and said AWWWW!! I was so happy. haha..oh he walks everywhere, i missed that transition. Anyways, thanks Britt and Cam for letting me come and stay with you and Thank you Vicki for watching my kids (and to everyone that helped her) and Thank you Chad for letting me go, i know it was hard and you missed me so much! ;) I'll post pics later ~Bonny

Isn't he the cutest, yeah I bet you wish you had a nephew this cute, well ya don't, so get over it hehe :)

Me and My sista, Brittany, This isn't a very good pic of me, but she Is so cute in it I had to post it! Love ya!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Owie's Birthday

So, Owen got to have two Birthday parties b/c we were at the beach on his birthday, so we had a party there, and then we had another party at our house so my family could come! For his party at home we had a pool party and Charles got Owen this HUGE playground ball, so we played kick ball, it was SO fun, I felt like I was in elementary school again. I want to play again just thinking about it..haha. Anyways, here are some pics from both Parties! P.S. So Chad was able to get this free popcorn maker for helping to build some bleachers for a football team. Owen LOVES popcorn, so i went out of the Kitchen for a second and then came back and there was Owen sitting in the popcorn maker..haha..